WaveGuide is a utility that has been developed by a team of students from the University of Glasgow as part of their real-time embedded programming project. The primary function of this utility is to enable the user to control the cursor using hand gestures, eliminating the need for a traditional mouse or keyboard. This innovative feature offers a unique user experience that has potential applications in various fields, such as assisting individuals with disabilities in operating computers or providing a more convenient way for lecturers to present in classrooms. WaveGuide has been designed to be user-friendly and provide a range of different gesture-based operations, including moving the cursor, clicking, dragging, and scrolling. The utility has been developed to run on a Raspberry Pi 4B with Raspbian OS, based on Debian Buster. The implementation of a Raspberry Pi camera module enables the capture of the user's hand movements, which are then translated into cursor actions. Furthermore, WaveGuide utilizes OpenCV for image processing and X11 for cursor manipulation, providing a seamless and responsive user experience. This innovative utility developed by the University of Glasgow students that offers an intuitive and unique way to control the cursor. Its potential applications in various fields make it a promising development with significant real-world implications.